Thursday May 9, 2024 – National March for Life
Each May, Campaign for Life the official organizers, hold a national protest march in Ottawa against abortion and euthanasia. It is a week long event which culminates in a physical peaceful protest march on the second Thursday of each and every May. Much of this is interactive and educational on the sanctity of human life created by God as revealed in the Bible. This knowledge has now expanded by modern scientific knowledge and provides confirmation of when life begins.
In 2024 we congregate at Risen Christ Lutheran Church, 85 Leacock Dr., Kanata ON for Matins Worship Service at 10am, breakfast and reconvene at Parliament Hill at 12:30pm for the march.
Lutherans for Life march together under our flag, as part of the general march, and congregate together in Ottawa. Write to us to join us, or get more information